About Me

I hail from the suburbs of New York City by way of Houston, Texas, where I studied Philosophy and Evolutionary Biology at Rice University.

A big part of my identity (and t-shirt collection) revolves around music, novels, movies, and television shows. My views are more informed by misanthropic artists from Albee to... Woolf (I can't think of a good 'Z') than any capital-P Philosophers. Below is Spotify's summary of what I've been listening to recently, to give you a taste of what I'm into right now. I have no equivalent Big Brother-generated list for films, TV, or books, but I'm just as happy to discuss those things if you want to get in touch.

Speaking of misanthropes, I am also a longtime fan of the New York Mets and Jets. They've taught me a lot about nihilism.

I couldn't believe it when the caricature artist in Central Park handed me this. So realistic!
A photo of me graciously sent in by a time-traveler from the year 2070